Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Price of Fuel!

As many of you who have been in earshot/sight of me will know I have a Nike FuelBand. In fact I have been wearing mine for 57 days now thanks to Sophie being aware of their existence when we were in New York. Now, anyone could look up a review of said product, and I'm sure there are people out there who have written very detailed reviews. Probably better reviews then I could write, which is exactly why I am not writing a product review.

I am going to write about the effect that it has had on me and my life. Now, this is the point where some people will scratch their heads and ask the question: "What is a Nike FuelBand??". Look it up. As mentioned, there will be better reviews on t'internet then I could give; you are already on the internet with google a meer second away! Are we all up to date? Good, I shall continue.

Ever since I got my band, I have been hideously aware of my laziness. As we are all aware, with Nike FuelBands, one sets a daily goal, and has to burn imaginary 'Nike Fuel' to reach their daily goal. If I don't reach my daily goal that my band tells me I should, I feel guilty. On the contrary if I over shoot my goal, I'm filled with a smug sense of self satisfaction. In the wise words of Boromir: "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing". But this is how it is starting to feel.

If I forget to put my band on in the morning, and walk around, (an action that would generate fuel) I will be annoyed at myself for missing out on an opportunity to generate points. If I feel I am not generating fuel quick enough, I will accentuate all of my movements in a desperate attempt to try to build up more points. It is getting to the point where the way I walk has changed...seem obsessive??

Maybe it is, but at least I'm moving, and trying to be as active as possible! I dread to think of how the readout would look back in my World of Warcraft days, probably like a flat line on a heart-rate monitor! I said I was aware of my laziness, but now I am aware of just how active I can be. There is no hiding from the figures on my wrist, and as a result I have never felt healthier!

I was asked by someone if I thought the band was more of a gimmicky piece of technology, something I would get bored of quickly and move onto the next toy that appeared. Answer: no. I feel my band is here to stay and that it has had a positive effect on my life. I've never felt healthier, been more aware of my activity (or lack of) or of how the smallest amount of activity can add up!!

On a serious note, I would seriously recommend FuelBands to anyone who wants to lose weight as it is a great way of keeping track of your activity levels!



  1. I think its great that the band has had such a positive influence, which on its own should be enough to keep wearing it.

    However I would have to disagree with recommending them for someone who wants to lose weight. There are far more effective and guilt free ways of losing weight than exercising. In fact I'd go as far to say that aerobic exercise is not a good way to lose weight at all. Gary Taubes in his book 'why we get fat' has an easy to read chapter on this.

    I would recommend them though even if only for the fun they bring to your day to day life and enhanced well being :-)

    P.S. Its amazing that such a small thing can have such a profound effect.

  2. Can't disagree with a sports science student over the ins and outs of effective ways to lose weight, however it's good for improving lifestyle and everyone needs to exercise to do that!

    But yes, it is a pretty sweet gadget!
